Monday, April 13, 2009

Final Story Idea

I am either going to discuss the government control of GM and the banks, or the St. Louis Blues making the playoffs for the 1st time since the 2004 season and coming from 15th place all the way to 6th in the standings.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Writing Assignment #4

I have decided to write an editorial on President Barack Obama's economic stance and his new economic stimulus package. My stance on it is that I don't think it is in the best interest of our country to continue under these radical changes. I also have thought about writing an editorial on the AIG bonuses. I have been researching this the past couple weeks and there is quite a bit of interesting information that most people aren't informed of if they just watch the evening news.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Feature Story Idea

For my 3rd story idea, the feature story, I am planning on doing a personality profile. The person I chose is St. Louis Blues goal-tender, Chris Mason. I understand that it may be an odd choice, but I think that sports fans across the city of St. Louis would be interested in knowing about him. He isn't exactly new to the team, but just recently earned the starting position and is finally getting to play everyday. I know I would be interested in learning more about him, and I would imagine that I am not the only one. If this is not a wise choice, I can certainly think of another figure to go with.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

In Class Interview

Politics and the youth of our time, two words you don't usually see associated with each other. However, for Justin Wingerter it is his past time.

Wingerter, currently attending SIU-Edwardsville, takes numerous courses in political science and mass communications. These courses may come in handy later in life as he is interested in possibly pursuing a career in political journalism. "I have an unusually huge interest in politics, especially at the national level," says Wingerter. Currently a proud member of the Libertarian Party, Wingerter expressed his views when he voted for Bob Barr in November, and Ron Paul won over Wingerter's vote in the presidential primaries late last year.

Unsure of his future, Wingerter is certain on one thing. When asked about his future in regards to politics, Wingerter replied, "Although I'm still trying to decide whether or not I want
to be a reporter covering politics, I'm absolutely sure I don't want to go into politics myself." Wingerter already has experience in writing about politics mainly in part because he writes for two blogs and a website. Whether he chooses to leap into the political world or not is in fates hands. Regardless of what path he chooses, the world will know, and remember, the name, Justin Wingerter.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

For my 1st story idea, I plan to report on the Super Bowl.  I will ask questions such as "who will win the game?"   "What will the final score be?"  "Who will the key players be for each team and why?"  I will address each teams weaknesses and strengths and incorporate my questions into my story to help with the flow.  I interviewed Brendan Freitag, Chris Hornbeek, Tony DuBois, Jade Stockton, John Layton, and Alicia Bianco about their thoughts on the big game.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Thomas Schwanke, 18, a freshman at SIU-Edwardsville, was found at 7:40 a.m. this morning in the basement of a dormitory after apparently falling anywhere from two to ten stories down a trash chute. According to police, he had been laying there for almost six hours.

Witnesses who had seen Schwanke earlier in the morning indicated that he had been drinking. However, there is still no word on the certainty of that statement. Campus police are following this matter very closely in order to make sure no one else was harmed in the act.

Mary Rouse, Dean of Students here at the university was quoted saying, "the incident again raises concern about alcohol abuse on campus." Whether or not there was in fact alcohol abuse is still uncertain, but it cannot be ruled out at this point.

Schwanke is currently being held at Anderson Hospital in Maryville, just down the road from campus. When asked about Schwanke's condition, hospital officials elected to decline any comment on the extent of his injuries, as well on whether or not Schwanke had been drinking.